NL-Hs 184 C 8

Missal, not noted, priest's chants in Hufnagelschrift on ink staves, 16th century (?).

Fol. 2: Calendar pointing towards the Commanderij Jan Baptist in Haarlem.

18 March: Iherusalem Alexandri ix lect.; NB: Hieron martiris (in red); 24 June Johannis Baptiste patroni ordinis nostri. 29 Aug: Decollationis iohannis bapt. Triplex. 22 Nov: Restitucio dextri bracchi baptiste. 5 Dec: Sabbas abbot.

In the calendar the term 'festum patrie' is used for saints of the region and not of the order (Gheertrudis, Servatius, Lambertus etc.)

According to Wüstefeld, (p. 17, note 34) the calendar is a later addition, and the book has been adapted for Commanderij Jan Baptist.

No sequences (?)


* Lijst van handschriften..., p. 19
* Wüstefeld: Boeken ... Bavokerk, p. 17, note 34


Autopsy September 2001
Last change: Tue 01 January 2002