F-Pm 390

Graduale summer part, 16th century, Square notation on red staves. On some of the miniatures monks are depictured, wearing white cappas over black habits; on fol. Lxv is a nun. On fol. 1 is a.o. the count of Flanders with his coat-of-arms (in an elaborate miniature that deserves more attention).

As Helyseus occurs in this ms, it must be a Carmelite manuscript. The veneration for Amelberga and Bavo suggest that it is from the region of Gent.


Fol. 1: intr. Statuit ei dominus.

Fol. xxxvi: In festo sancti [erasure] montis carmeli. Then intr. Gaudeamus, from Mariae virginis onwards on erasure.

Fol. Liii: Amelberge ix lectiones

Fol. Lxxvi: Heavily decorated page for Michael.

Fol. Lxxix: Bavo

Fol. xcvi: Comm. sanctorum

Fol. CLxiii: Kyriale

Fol. CLxxviii: Claves et lancea, incl seq. Hoderne festum lucis

Fol. CLxxxiii: sequentiary, starting with Nomen iure sublimatum NB: For dedication: Rex salomon fecit. CC: Helyseus: Nunc exultet plebs fidelis. CCxxiiii: Michael Ad celebres rex celice.


Autopsy, July 2001
Last change: Fri 07 May 2004