![]() | D-X H 94 |
Processionale, 1541, probably prepared in
Gregoriushaus in Emmerich for the Dom in Xanten. Low
Countries staff notation on ink staves.
The second part, starting
with the rubric Antiphone versiculi et collecte pro lotione
altarium edis sancti victoris martiris patronis zanthensis ..., is
not from the original hand.
The rubrics often indicate the persons who are to sing the chants (Tres domini, duo pueri, etc.), and also the places (In processione versus capellam s. Andree etc.).
The manuscript contains several litanies, some of which bear notation.
Fol. 31v: litany without notation
Fol. 34r: litany without notation
Fol. 31: Litany with notation
Fol. 44v: Ad aquae aspersionem: ant. Exsurge domine adiuva nos + verse
Deus auribus
Fol. 45r: notated litany (Duo in ecclesia ubi hoc incipient stacio fiet et clausis
Fol. 46r: notated litany (Iam litaniae ex breviario)
Fol. 49r: notated litany (Hec litania cantabitur in via dum reditur a statione in die
marci et secunda feria rogationis)
Fol. 56r: notated litany Clamemus omnes una voce Domine miserere (In feria
tercia cantabitur hec dum itur versus montem (?) iuxta hospitale incipietur)
Fol. 57r: notated litany Aufer a nobis domine iniquitates nostras (Hec letania
incipietur circa mediam viam usque montem et cum ea intrabitur in ecclesiam in
Fol. 58v: notated litany Ardua spes (Hec cantabitur dum reditur de monte
dictis vigiliis). NB: on f. 60v Martinus, Lebuinus
and Willibrord are mentioned.
Fol. 62v: notated litany (Hec cantabitur feria quarta dum reditur a statione et ante
introitum ecclesie illa incipitur clausis ianuis Agnus dei)
Then follow procession antiphons etcetera. Then follows the second part (by a different hand).
Handschriftencensus Rheinland, nr. 1500