Radboud of Utrecht

Bishop of Utrecht; died in 917 in Ootmarsum, buried in Lebuinuskerk in Deventer.

Feasts: 29 November (natalis); 25 June (translatio).

For his vita: Analecta Bollandiana VI (1887), pp. 5-15.

His works

He is known as a poet and author of homilies. He is the composer of text and music of the office for Martini Translatio, and of the sequentia Ave summa praesulum for the same feast (AH 53, p. 297, nr. 182). Besides, he wrote some saints lifes (Amalberga, Suitbertus, Lebuinus, Servatius etc.).

According to De Goede, p. CXIV (and Séjourné) Radbod brought the St Gall Sequentiarium to Utrecht.


* F. Lochner: Un Évêque musicien au Xe siècle ...
* De Goede: The Utrecht Prosarium, p. CXIII-CXIV
* Szövérffy, pp. 317-319


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