Roermond: H. Geestkerk

Chapel in Roermond, raised to the rank of chapter church in 1361, from 1559 onwards cathedral.

In 1361 the chapter of Petruskerk in Odiliënberg was transferred to the H. Geestkapel in Roermond, together with the relics of Plechelmus, Wiro and Otger. In 1572 the church was ravaged by the protestants. In 1594 a restoration was undertaken and these relics turned up undamaged. Since then the diocese celebrates on Tuesday after Trinity the 'Wedervinding en Verheffing der Relikwieën'.


* zr. Hereswitha: De priorij van de Reguliere Kanunniken van het H. Graf te Sint-Odiliënberg, p. 275
* Duizend jaar Martinusparochie, p. 157, pp. 163-169


Last change: Tue 01 January 2002