NL-Utrecht: Catharijneconv. BMH 20

Graduale-Sequentiarium of the Agnesklooster in Amsterdam.

Manufactured ca 1480-1500, Zuid-Holland (perhaps Delft or surroundings).

Hufnagelschrift on red staves.
Originally western chant dialect, later on corrected in eastern chant dialect.

The relation with the patron of the church Agnes is clear from the sequence for Agnetis Translatio Agno Dei jubilemus.
Also sequences for Augustinus (?).


* Amsterdamse kloosters ..., nr. 31 (incl. facs.)
* Het gregoriaans in de Lage Landen (incl. facs. of f. 169v)


Autopsy, summer 1996.
Last change: Thu 12 December 2002