NL-SHra IllLVrBr Codex Smijers

Manuscript with chant and polyphony, ca 1529, the polyphonic additions are dated 1564, belonging to the Illustre Lieve Vrouwe Broederschap of St.-Janskerk in 's Hertogenbosch. Square notation on black staves. Prepared by the brothers of the Gregoriushuis.

It is now in the permanent exhibition in the Zwanenbroedershuis.


Laudes de BMV: the Salve regina (fol. VIIIv) and the Alma redemptoris mater (fol. XIv) are provided with several sets of verses.

The sequentia Mittet ad virginem (fol. LX-v) and Preter rerum are in mensural notation.


* A. Smijers: Meerstemmige muziek van de Illustre Lieve Vrouwe Broederschap te 's-Hertogenbosch, in: TVNM XVI (1946), pp. 1-30
* H. Everts: De Codex Smijers. Het zevende handschrift van de Illustre Lieve Vrouwe Broederschap te 's-Hertogenbosch (onuitgegeven doctoraalscriptie, Universiteit van Amsterdam 1985)
* Gregoriaans in laatmiddeleeuws 's-Hertogenbosch, pp. 75-87
* Gegeven den sangeren, p. 140, (pl. 50b), p. 150, incl. facs


Microfilm in Letterenbibliotheek Utrecht
Last change: Mon 09 December 2002