
Settlement; town probably since ca 1200. During the 2nd half of the 13th century it developed into one of the most important towns of the county of Holland.

It seems that Dordrecht did not have many monasteries, especially not many nunneries. The mendicant orders, in contrary, settled in the town relatively early.

Dordrecht became protestant in 1572.


* O.L.V.kerk or Grote Kerk, founded before 1100, chapter since 1367
* Nieuwkerk, parish church, dedicated to Nicolaas
* Agnesklooster, Augustinian nuns
* Rijke Claren-klooster, Rijke Claren
* Mariënborn, tertiaries
* Franciscanenklooster, Franciscans, settled in Dordrecht round 1247
* Augustijnenklooster, Augustinians

Besides, there were brothers and sisters who took care of the poor and ill, like Cellezusters and Cellebroeders, Magdalenazusters.


B-Br II 2631 is (without certainty) attributed to the tertiaries of Dordrecht.

A fragment of an antiphonarium, ca 1480-1500, with square notation is preserved in the accounts of the Dordrecht Sacramentsgasthuis (facs: Geschiedenis van Dordrecht, p. 351)

The surroundings of Dordrecht

* Eemstein: Regulierenklooster, Augustinians of the Kapittel of Windesheim


* Geschiedenis van Dordrecht, espec. chapter 16 and 17


Last change: Sat 09 March 2002