Elisabeth Hungariae

Queen, became a Franciscan tertiary, devoted herself to charity; 1207-1231; canonized 1235. Patron of the women of the Third Order of St. Franciscus.

Relics of her (her heart) were kept in Cambrai Cathedral.

Feast: 19 November (at present: 17 November)

Two offices for her are known from the Low Countries:
* Gaudeat Hungaria, composed between 1231-1280; music probably composed by Petrus of Cambrai, texts (incl. lessons) written by Gerardus of St Quentin. Preserved in F-CA 38 and few other sources, all according to the secular cursus.
* Laetare Germania, preserved in F-CA 38, NL-ZUa 6, e.a. This office was known outside the Low Countries as well. Text writer and composer are unknown, but Gerardus of St Quentin may have contributed to the texts


Haggh: Two offices for St Elizabeth of Hungary


Last change: Tue 01 January 2002