Calendar of the Antwerpen Ordinal: January

Abbreviations are solved as far as space allows.
The days of the months according to modern use are given in in green.
Feast names decorated with red horizontal lines are transcribed black on a pink background.
Later additions are transcribed in purple.
Text that has been erased or crossed out is transcribed in pale brown.

January (f. 1r)

Jani prima dies et septima fine timetur
Januarius habet dies xxxi luna xxx
1 iii A KL Circumcisio domini Triplex
2 b iiii N Octava sancti Stephani iii lect. proprie
3 xi c iii N Octava s. Iohannis iii lect. proprie Genovefe virginis
4 d ii N Octava Innocentium iii lect.
5 xv e Non. Vigilia Epyphanie iii lect. proprie
6 xix ? f viii I Epyphania domini Triplex
7 g vii I
8 xvi? A vi I Gudule virginis ??
9 v? b v I
10 ? c iiii I Pauli primi heremite comm.
11 xiii d iii I
12 ii e ii I
13 f Id. Oct. Epyph. Domini iii lect. Remigii & hilarii comm.
14 x? g xix K Felicis in pincis iii lect.
15 A xviii K Mauri abbatis comm. iii lect.
16 xviii b xvii K Marcelli pape & martiris comm. iii lect.
17 vii c xvi K Anthonii confessoris comm. ix lect. proprie
18 d xv K Prisce virginis iii lect.
19 xv e xiiii K Marii & Marthe iii lect.
20 iii ? f xiii K Fabiani & Sebastiani martirum ix lect.
21 g xii K Agnetis virginis Duplex
22 xii A xi K Vincentii martiris Duplex
23 i? b x K Emerentiane & macharii martirum iii lect. proprie
24 c ix K Thimothei apostoli iii lect.
25 ix d viii K Conversio sancti Pauli Duplex Projecti mart. comm.
26 e vii K Policarpi Episcopi & martiris iii lect. proprie
27 xx? f vi K Johannis crisostomi Episcopi confessoris iii lect.
28 vi? g v K Octava Agnetis iii lect. proprie
29 A iiii K Valerii Episc. & confessoris iii lect.
30 ? b iii K Aldegundis virginis iii lect. proprie
31 c ii K


Source: manuscript and microfilm; quick check on the ms, May 1999
Last change: Tue 01 January 2002