Calendar of the Antwerpen Ordinal: December

Abbreviations are solved as far as space allows.
The days of the months according to modern use are given in in green.
Feast names decorated with red horizontal lines are transcribed black on a pink background.
Later additions are transcribed in purple.
Text that has been erased or crossed out is transcribed in pale brown.

December (f. 6v)

Dat duodena cohors septem inde decemque decembris
December habet dies xxx (?) luna xxx
1 xiii f KL Eligii episc. & confessoris iii lect. proprie
2 ii g iiii N Octava katherine virginis iii lect. proprie
3 A iii N
4 x b ii N Barbare virginis festum celebre ix lect.
5 c Non.
6 xvii d viii I Nicolai episcopi & confessoris Duplex
7 vii e vii I Octava Andree apostoli iii lect. proprie
8 f vi I Conceptio beate marie Triplex
9 xv g v I
10 iiii A iiii I
11 b iii I Damasi pape & confessoris comm. Oct. Nico. (!)
12 xii c ii I
13 1 d Id. Autberti eisc. et conf. ix lect. Lucie virg. ? lect. proprie Oct. Nico. comm.
14 e xix K Nichasii martiris ix lect.
15 ix f xviii K
16 g xvii K
17 xvii A xvi K
18 vi b xiiii K
19 c xiii K
20 xiiii d xii K
21 iii e xi K Thome apostoli Duplex
22 f x K
23 xi g ix K
24 xii A viii K Vigilia
25 b vii K Nativitas domini Triplex
26 viii c vi K Sthephani prothomartiris Duplex
27 d v K Johannis evangeliste Duplex
28 xvi e iiii K Innocentium martirum Duplex
29 v f iii K Thome cantuariensis episc. comm.
30 g ii K
31 A ? Silvestri pape comm.


Preliminary notes without check
Last change: Tue 01 January 2002