Calendar of the Antwerpen Ordinal: August

Abbreviations are solved as far as space allows.
The days of the months according to modern use are given in in green.
Feast names decorated with red horizontal lines are transcribed black on a pink background.
Later additions are transcribed in purple.
Text that has been erased or crossed out is transcribed in pale brown.

August (f. 4v)

Augusti nepa prima fugit de p?fine secunda ?
1 c KL Ad vincula sancti petri Sanctorum machabeorum mart. ix lect.
2 viii d iiii N Stephani pape et martiris iii lect. proprie
3 xvi e iii N Inventio stephani prothomartiris & aliorum ix lect.
4 v f ii N Walburgis virginis comm.
5 g Non. ? Dominici confessor iii lect. proprie Affre iii lect.
6 xiii A viii I Transfiguratio domini Duplex magnum Sixti pape Feliciani Agapiti comm.
7 ii b vii I Donati episc. & mart iii lect. proprie
8 c vi I Ciriaci largi & smaragdi martirum iii lect. proprie
9 x d v I Romani martiris comm. Vigilia
10 vii e iiii I Laurentii martiris Duplex
11 xviii f iii I Gaugerici ep. & confessoris ix lect. Tiburtii mart. comm.
Nota hec? Augustus habet dies xxxi luna xxx
12 g ii I
13 xv A Id. ypoliti martiris comm.
14 iiii b xix K Eusebii confessor comm. Oct. laurentii iii lect Vigilia
15 c xviii K Assumptio beate marie virginis Triplex
16 xii d xvii K Arnulphi ep. & confessoris comm.
17 i e xvi K Livini martiris comm. Oct. Laurentii comm.
18 f xv K Agapiti martiris comm. Helene regine comm.
19 ix g xiiii K Magni martiris comm.
20 A xiii K Bernardi abbatis comm.
21 xvii b xii K
22 vi c xi K Oct. Assumptionis Duplex Thimothei & simphoriani mart. comm.
23 d x K Thimothei & Appollinaris martirum iii lect. proprie
24 xiii? e ix K Bartholomei apostoli Duplex
25 iii f viii K Genesii martiris iii lect. proprie Ludovici regis comm.
26 g vi K Herenei & habundi martirum comm. vel iii lect.
27 xi A vi K Rufi martiris comm.
28 xix b v K Augustini ep. Duplex Heremitis martiris comm.
29 c iiii K Decollatio s. Johannis ix lect. Sabine virg. comm.
30 vii d iii K Felicis & audacti martirum iii lect. proprie
30 e ii K Paulini ep. Treverensis & conf. iii lect.


Preliminary notes without check
Last change: Tue 01 January 2002