NL-Uc BMH 26

Antiphonarium, winter part, secular cursus, 15th century; once belonging to the Abdij van Berne. Hufnagelschrift on red staves. Chant dialect more or less West Frankish.

According to the notes of the museum the book is dated 1450-1500, and the penwork is from North Holland (which I do not understand; I would think the manuscript was written for a convent in Brabant or South Holland).

Rubrics: fol. 138r: duo iuniores, presbiter ante gradus, chorus, diaconi retro abb???


fol. 1: invitatory tones

fol. 6v: Ad mandatum ant. Ante diem festum; de s iohanne ev. resp. Vox tonitrui; ant. Sancta Maria succurre etc; Gloria patri to the 8 responsory tones.

8r: Temporale (resp. Ecce dies veniunt)
Plange, mode 7, 141v

89r: Ferial office; fol. 94v: ant. Rectos decet and Expugna, fol. 96r: Adiutor: mode 1. Fol. 97v: Iuste iudicate, fol. 101r: Exultate deo: mode 8 (final: g). No irregular antiphons.

144r: Te Deum

144v: Sanctorale, starting with Andreas. No Barbara.

189v: hymns


* B. Kruitwagen: Catalogus ... Bisschoppelijk Museum te Haarlem (1913)


Autopsy March 2002
Last change: Mon 11 March 2002