NL-Hs 187 C 17

Missal, not noted, 1447 (see the back flyleaf), OLV-Visitatieklooster in Haarlem. No music notation at all.

Flyleaf: Liber monasterii visitacionis beate marie virginis ordinis canonicarum regularium prope haerlem.


No calendar. Fol. 6: Beginning of Advent.

Sequentiae (no notation) fol. 201r, starting with Grates nunc omnes and Eya recolamus. Sequences for Monica and Augustine.


* Lijst van handschriften..., p. 19
* CMD-NL, nr. 395, pl. 546
* Kriezels, nr 60 and afb. 9 (p. 87)


Autopsy September 2001
Last change: Mon 01 July 2002