F-Pn nal 3178

Psalterium-Breviarium aestivale for Agnes van Horne, abbess of Abdij van St. Marie in Rijnsburg near Leiden, prepared ca 1360.

A small and thick book (560 fols.):
- fol. 1: part of an office for Lebuinus
- fols. 2r-7v: Calendar
- fols. 8r-79: Psalter
- fols. 80: Summer breviary (fols. 80-208: temporale; fols. 208-407: Sanctorale; 407-471: Commune Sanctorum; 472-560: several offices)

It contains a hymn and office for St. Adelbert of Egmond.

Microfilm besteld 22-6-1999; in oktober volgde bericht dat deze ivm de toestand van het boek niet gemaakt kan worden. In maart 2000 kwam de mededeling dat het niet meer geraadpleegd mocht worden ivm de slechte toestan; na enig vragen mocht het toch.
Kerkwijding is te vinden op f. 150 (ergens vlak na Sacramentsfeest)

In the calendar:
6 Febr: Vedasti & amandi iii lect
17 March: Gertrudis virginis xii lect duplex
20 March: Wlframmi episc
26 March: Ludgeri episc comm
30 April: Quirinus mart. - xii lect
13 May: Servatii episc xii lect
31 May: Petronille virg. iii lect
5 June: Bonefacii mart, & soc. eius xii lect
6 June: Gudwali archiepisc. xii lect.
12 June: Odulphi conf. xii lect
22 June: Decem milium martirum (alieno manu)
25 June: Adalberti conf. xii lect Lebuini rabobi comm.
5 July: Translatio S. martini xii lect. Odelrici episc. comm.
7 July: Guari conf. comm.
10 July: Amelberge virginis xii lect.
22 July: Marie Magdalene xii lect (with an octave of xii lect. on 29 July)
Eodem die: Wandregesili abb. comm
31 August: Dedicatio ad altare Maxime (?) magdalene
3 Sept.: Ordinatio gregorii pape xii lect. - Remacli epis. comm
8 Sept.: Audemari presb.
17 Sept.: lamberti episc. & mart. xii lect. duplex
1 Oct.: Remigii Vedasti Bavonis episc. xii lect.
7 Nov.: Willibrordi episc. xii lect. - Willehaldi episc. comm.
20 Nov.: Eadmundi mart. regis anglorum iii lect.

In the back is a note in Dutch in a 16th (?) century hand: Dit boek hoert toe tot Ein die dat ?ynt die boenck dat neer om got vyl (?)


* Nouvelles acquitisions latines et françaises du Département des manuscrits de la Bibl. Nat. pendant les années 1977-1982, in: Bibliothèque de l´école des chartes, 143 (1985), pp. 313-452; espec. pp. 339-340 where a short description of the manuscript is given.
* The Dutch and their books ..., Pl. II, p. 20 and note 30 for further literature.
* Egmond of Rijnsburg? in: De abdij van Egmond. Geschreven en beschreven, espec. pp. 104-116


Autopsy, June 1999; March 2000
Last change: Sun 16 June 2002