![]() | B-Br IV 627 (no cat.nr.) |
One of the folders with fragments of the Albertina.
Box 1: 1-12. Box 2: 24-49. Box 3: 50-70.
1 | Sequentiarium; 1 folium; square notation on red staves; 15th (?) century |
3 | Antiphoner; half leaf; Hufnagelschrift on ink staves; 15th-16th century |
9 | Breviary; no notation; 13th (?) century |
18 | Prayers (?); no notation; 15th century |
20 | Prayers; no notation; 14th century |
24 | Breviary (Holy Week); no notation; 13th century |
25 | Breviary (Gertrudis office); no notation (only a few staffless neumes ); 13th century |
30 | Noted Missal; early 13th century; Low Countries notation on ink lines |
31 | Noted Missal; the same as 30 |
33-34 | Two leaves of a Breviary; no notation; 14th-15th (?) century |
35 | Missal; no notation; 13th-14th century |
36 | Missal; no notation; 14th-15th century |
37 | Noted Breviary (Vincentius office); Low Countries notation on red staves; 13th century |
38 | Missal (Requiem); no notation; 14th (?) century |
44 | Missal; no notation; 14th-15th century |
45 | = 44 |
48 | = 44 |
49 | Lectionarium ?; small script |
50 | Hymns (no notation); 14th century (Remigius, Fides, Amor, etc) |
54 | Breviary; no notation; 14th century |
56 | Noted missal; late 12th century; Low Countries style notation on ink staves; Missa in vigilia Joh. Bapt. |
57 | Lectionarium (?); no notation; 12th century |
62 | Missal (no notation); 14th-15th century |
63 | Missal (no notation); 12th-13th century; decorated with red and green |
64 | = 44 |
69 | Missal; no notation; (early ?)13th century |