Transfiguratio Domini

An office is among the younger additions of NL-Uu 406 and NL-Uu 407. The sequentia Letetur hodie matris ecclesie is also in these manuscripts.

Ms B-GEELdgm Graduale has the sequentia Letentur in christo rege syon.

Ms B-TO 57 has the sequentia Letabundus.

Seq. Laudes deo dicat per omnia is in: NL-Hs 184 C 7, B-Br 4767, GB-LEICu 17.

Seq. Thabor superficie is in ms Tournai, Cathedrale A 58, in two versions: a monodic version and a 4-part setting (see: Anne-Emmanuelle Ceulemans: Le manuscrit musical Tournai B.C.T. A 58 et les deux versions de la séquence Thabor superficie, in: Archives et Manuscrits précieux tournaisiens 1 (2007), pp. 153-172, incl. photos and an edition).


Last change: Sat 29 September 2007