NL-SAGATHAsa 7 (olim 27)

Antiphonarium aestivale, Sint Agathaklooster near Cuyk (Crosiers), late 15th century. Paper, unfoliated, square notation on red staves.

Contains the liturgical year from Easter onwards , followed by offices for the Holy Cross sung on Fridays, and for Mary on Saturdays.


It opens with the temporale, followed by Dedicatio Ecclesiae. Then (in the middle of the ms) follows the Te Deum (fully notated).
The follows (by a later scribe) the offices for Compassio BMV (Stabat mater dolorosa), Monica and Anna.

Then follows (by the main scribe) the Commons of Saints and the Sanctorale from Philipus and Jacobus onwards. Inventio Crucis is followed by Corona Spinea (Magnif. antiphon Gaude felix mater ecclesie etc., without rubric); Helena regina (antiphons for Matins: LMLO: HE-14; AH 18, nr 33), Augustinus (Letare mater nostra Jerusalem); Translatio Augustini (after Michael; only antiphons to the gospel canticles: Presul sanctissime via morum, Canon vite canonice and Augustine lux). After Omnes Sancti follows the Office of the dead.


Autopsy, May 2000, August 2008
Last change: Thu 28 August 2008