D-KNd 267

Liturgical compendium from the Kölner Dom, mid 14th century.

The manuscript has a foliation in Roman numerals, not without mistakes (it goes from Lxii to Liii, as is reflected by the list of contents below). The foliation used by the Handschriftencensus Rheinland differs from this one.

The psalter and the breviary part are provided with Hufnagelschrift, f-line red, c-line yellow.

Compendium, containing:
* Calendar, unfoliated
* f. 1: Offices (or chants) for Anna, Stephanus, Severinus, Praesentatio BMV, followed by lectiones for several saints
* f. 13r: Week psalter (containing the ferial office)
* f. 59v: Canticles etc.
* f. 55v: Hymns
* f. 62r: Collectae
* f. 67r: BMV in sabbatis
* f. 71r: De S. Petro
* f. 72v: Officium pro defunctis
* f. 78v: Marian antiphons
* f. 79v: Venitorium
* f. 88r: Breviarium notatum aestivale, temporale (In vigilia penthecostes)
* f. 171r: Idem, sanctorale


* Heusgen: Gesamtkatalog, nr 267 (p. 25)
* Handschriftencensus Rheinland, nr 1194


Autopsy, August 1999, quick look. Microfilm in Utrecht, Letterenbibliotheek
Last change: Tue 15 July 2003