D-KNd 226

Graduale-Antiphonarium, prepared between 1353-1358, donated to the stift Maria ad Gradus in Köln in 1358.

Hufnagelschrift, red f-line, yellow c-line.

The binding is in bad condition.

Fol. 225r: Ad sepulchrum, Easter Play (type 1).

Contains a sequence for Agrippina.


* Heusgen: Gesamtkatalog, nr 226 (pp. 5-6)
* Handschriftencensus Rheinland, nr 1170
* A list of the sequences and hymns, prepared by P.Dr. Herbert Douteil CSSp in 1972, is preserved in the Dombibliothek


Autopsy (quick look) August 1999. Microfilm in Utrecht, Letterenbibliotheek
Last change: Thu 11 September 2003