D-EM 4o-18

Penitentiale, 13th century, belonging to Aduard Bernardusabdij. Containing a 2-part Christmas song Ad cantus leticie / nos invitant hodie / spes et amor patrie / celestis and Procedentem in square notation.


* Hel en Hemel, III-17, p. 60
* Het Noorden in het midden, p. 258 (incl. facs.)
* Boeken in de Late Middeleeuwen, Verslag Gron. Codic.dagen 1992, p. 227, (incl. facs.)
* I. Stahl: Handschriften in Nordwestdeutschland: Aurich, Emden, Oldenburg. Mittelalterliche Handschriften in Niedersachsen, Kurzkatalog 3 (Wiesbaden 1993) p. 74


Autopsy of the Christmas song on the exhibition, July 2001
Last change: Fri 22 March 2002