LMLO search results:

This script searches the raw text of the LMLO database. Any occurence of the search phrase will be marked blue, be it in a chant text, a saints's name or elsewhere. Each table gives access to the corresponding office.

other bibliographyother bibl.: Pfaff [1970]
other editionedition: Boyce [1984] with chant
general informationthe transfiguration of Christ on mount Thabor; the Cluniac abbot, Peter the Venerable, ca 1092~1156, made the feast obligatory in Cluniac houses, and wrote an office, preserved in :FPN 11716 [Leclercq 1946]; Carmelites 1312 [Boyce]; confirmed for the universal church in 1457, when the Dominican Jacques Gil wrote the office offically accepted.
Kalendar dateAugust 6 and other dates
abbreviated feastname_X.TraX

name of feastTransfiguracio Domini [n1]
X-code[XT11] (click here for the full office text)
incipit=VA salvator mundi domine =MR1 mentem excuciens =LA1 decorem christus induit
liturgical order of serviceV=AE M=secular L=A5E W=AE
summary of poetic analysisV=o.g M=g.gsg{x,g,g}g3{g,o,lh}fgo{g,g,T} L=vg4.g W=i.x [”q]
eccl. order?Dominican
basic edition (usually AH)AH 24 #3
summary of original sources listed in AHsources: 1, Dominican 14th c.

name of feastTransfiguracio Domini [n2]
X-code[XT12] (click here for the full office text)
[&] author of original[&] Cluniac abbot, Peter the Venerable, ca 1092~1156
incipit=VR assumens iesus petrum =MR1 assumptis hodie dominus =LA1 accessit iesus
other editionLeclercq [1946]; Wilmart [1939]; NGDMM "Antiphon"
[Ms source] :...Ms source :FPN 17716, f.7v~22v
general notes: not in databasethis almost completely prose office is not in the database