LMLO search results:

This script searches the raw text of the LMLO database. Any occurence of the search phrase will be marked blue, be it in a chant text, a saints's name or elsewhere. Each table gives access to the corresponding office.

name of feastIuvenal
X-code[IU21] (click here for the full office text)
incipit=VA1 tuam sacratissimam recolimus passionem o signifer christi iuvenalis
placenames in texts: geographyplacenames Narniensem, Narniam, Fossani, Africa
liturgical order of serviceV=A5E E=UU L=AE W=A5E
general liturgical informationonly first and second vespers and a partly rhymed Mass; the hymn is proper
summary of poetic analysisV=p5.v E=oo L=i.o W=si$io.o [”q]
other editionedition, with facsimiles: Damilano [1979]
[Ms source] :...Ms source * :IFossC ms di S. Giovenale, square, pre-Franconian mensural notation