LMLO search results:

This script searches the raw text of the LMLO database. Any occurence of the search phrase will be marked blue, be it in a chant text, a saints's name or elsewhere. Each table gives access to the corresponding office.

name of feastGUILLELMUS [of York]
death date of saintd. 1154
type of saintarchbishop confessor
exact confirmed date from 10001140; 1421, great window put up in York
alternative names for saintWilliam
other bibliographyother bibl.: Andrew Hughes "British ..."
canonization datecan. 1227
Kalendar dateJune 8
place [e.g., bishop, abbot "of"]of York, 1140
place: locations of cult, foundations etc.cult: Durham, York
date of transl., invention, etc., and places assoc. with relicstr. 1284
abbreviated feastname_Wllm;Y

name of feastGuillelmus [of York] [n1]
X-codeGU61 (click here for the full office text)
incipit=VA1 in guillelmi laudibus =MR1 voluntate trutina =LA1 claudi recti redeunt
placenames in texts: geographyplacenames Israelita, Roma
liturgical order of serviceV=A5E M=secular L=A5E W=E
summary of poetic analysisV=g5.T M=v.g3{ge,fg,g}g3{g3}gfg{g3} L=g5.o W=.v [”]
basic edition (usually AH)AH 13 #99
summary of original sources listed in AHsources: 3, 15~16th c., York

name of feastGuillelmus [of York] [n2]
X-codeGU62 (click here for the full office text)
incipit=QA o presul guillelme pie
liturgical order of serviceQ=A
summary of poetic analysisQ=v
basic edition (usually AH)AH 28 app.
summary of original sources listed in AHsources: :GCH W 28