LMLO search results:

This script searches the raw text of the LMLO database. Any occurence of the search phrase will be marked blue, be it in a chant text, a saints's name or elsewhere. Each table gives access to the corresponding office.

name of feastALEXIUS
death date of saintd. Syria
type of saintconfessor
approx.date before 10005th c.
Kalendar dateJuly 17
place: locations of cult, foundations etc.cult: Greece, Spain, Rome [relics found in 1217]
abbreviated feastname_Alx

name of feastAlexius [n1]
X-codeAL71 (click here for the full office text)
incipit=VA fraudis commentum sternitur =MR1 ex romanorum =LA1 indutus fortitudinem
placenames in texts: geographyplacenames Edissam
liturgical order of serviceV=ARE M=secular L=A5E W=E
summary of poetic analysisV=I{i}.i M=i.ivv{is,iv,vf}vfi{lf,i,iv}vev{il,io,iv} L=vlilo.I W=.i [”q]
basic edition (usually AH)AH 25 #9
summary of original sources listed in AHsources: 5, 15~16th c., Meissen

name of feastAlexius [n2]
X-codeAL72 (click here for the full office text)
incipit=VA1 plebs romana de patrono =MR1 alexius ex nobili =LA1 domum tuam o domine
placenames in texts: geographyplacenames Edissam, Syrie, Tarsum
liturgical order of serviceV=A5RE M=secular L=A5E W=E
summary of poetic analysisV=v3oo{iT}.i M=o.oIo{vo,io,o}loo{o,o,v}oos{of,oi,ov} L=o4v.o W=.o [”]
basic edition (usually AH)AH 25 #10
summary of original sources listed in AHsources: 2, pr. 1474 & 1507, Mainz

name of feastAlexius [n3]
X-codeAL73 (click here for the full office text)
incipit=VA ecclesiam christi =MR1 erat rome vir nobilis =LA1 tibi rex regum domine
placenames in texts: geographyplacenames Edissam, Syrie, Italia, Tarsum
liturgical order of serviceV=ARE M=secular L=A5E W=E
summary of poetic analysisV=i{op}.o M=o.voi{oi,op,ol}ooq{og,oh,op}o3{o¶,op,oh} L=o5.o W=.o [”q]
basic edition (usually AH)AH 25 #11
summary of original sources listed in AHsources: 1, 15th c., Seckau

name of feastAlexius [n4]
X-codeAL74 (click here for the full office text)
incipit=Q? o lilium mundicie
liturgical order of serviceQ=?
summary of poetic analysisQ=v
basic edition (usually AH)AH 28 app.
summary of original sources listed in AHsources: :GCH W 28