full office name: BVM, Immaculata Concepcio (n11)
edition: AH 26 intro.
structure summary: Vespers: AA
poetic forms: Vespers: oi [”] (the office is probably complete, and late: AH suggests the time of Leopold I, 1658-1705)
type of saint: BVM.C!
dollarcode: YC65 q
Persons: Ade

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Here you find the raw text from the LMLO file

Vespers antiphon 1
Rex immense potestatis
hortum sibi voluptatis
novo plantat ordine
ubi suum culpe virus
non effudit serpens dirus
ade infecto semine
Vespers antiphon 2
Tota lumine perfusa
maria atque circumfusa
electa ut sol emicat
habet esse cum splendore
nescia umbre absque pallore
pulchra semper emicat