eccles:OFM (proponents)
OP (opponents)
full office name: BVM, Concepcio (misc.)
BVM, Concepcio (n1)
edition: AH 5 #12
calendar:December 08
manuscript: 1 :FPG 117, f.274v- {facs. & xerox}
2 :FCamM 38, f.405-8v {photostats}
3 :ASN, s.n. f.282v {Box 86}
structure summary: Vespers: A5RE
Matins: secular
Lauds: A5E
2nd Vespers: E +
Vespers: AA
Matins: RR
2nd Vespers: E
Compline: A
Matins: R3
2nd Vespers: E
poetic forms: Vespers: oovvo{ol}.o
Matins: l.o3{ol,ol,vl}voo{vl,vl,ol}o3{vl,ol,ne}
Lauds: ivovv.v
2nd Vespers: .i
Vespers: oo
Matins: {vi,vl}
2nd Vespers: .l
Compline: l
Matins: {lh,lg,ol}
2nd Vespers: .l [”q]
modal assignments: Vespers: 12345{6c}.6c
Matins: 4.123{1,2,3}456c{3,5,8}781{5c,6,1}
Lauds: 12347.5
2nd Vespers: .6c
Vespers: 75
Matins: {8,5}
2nd Vespers: .-
Compline: -
Matins: {-}
2nd Vespers: .-
type of saint: BVM.C
dollarcode: YC65
general information: verses are very short (below essentially follows the order in Ms 2, but where it coincides with that of Ms 1, the tunes of Ms 1 are used)
Ms 1 may not be a very reliable source. Many interesting textual and musical variants
Persons: Eve Eva Moysen Aaron Isaias
Places: Egypti Nazareth

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