full office name: SILVESTER, Pope (n2)
edition: AH 45 int.
calendar:December 31
structure summary: Q: AR
poetic forms: Q: o{io} [”]
type of saint: pope
Persons: Silvester Petri

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Here you find the raw text from the LMLO file

Q antiphon
Silvester admirabilis
confessione nobilis
caput factus ecclesie
in sede petri positus
eius quondam vicarius
consors ipsius glorie
celi gaudes in culmine
pios intende gemitus
iuvando tuis precibus
qui talentum multiplicas
ut tuo regi placeas
Q respons
O presul clarissime
silvester sanctissime
eterno regi supplica
ut nostra regat tempora
cuius vita mirabili
preco esse meruisti
Q verse
Serva tuo precamine
christi redemptos sanguine