full office name: SIGFRIDUS (n3)
edition: AH 28 app.
calendar:February 15
February 16
structure summary: Q: AA
poetic forms: Q: io
type of saint: bishop doctor
geographical information:SVäxjo, Scandinavia
Persons: Sigfridi

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Here you find the raw text from the LMLO file

Q antiphon 1
Adest dies gloriosa
digna laude preciosa
pro sigfridi gaudiosa
presulis memoria
qui pro vita virtuosa
et doctrina radiosa
deportavit copiosa
in supernis premia
per cuius patrocinia
nobis dei clemencia
prestet eterna gaudia
Q antiphon 2
Pie pater et patrone
tua intervencione
nos a malis liberari
et procures collocari
sine terminacione
tecum celi mansione