full office name: MARGARETA (n17)
edition: AH 28 app.
calendar:July 20
structure summary: Q: ?
2nd Vespers: E +
Matins: I
poetic forms: Q: h
2nd Vespers: .o
Matins: v.
type of saint: virgin martyr
notes:virgin / feria 5
Persons: Margaretam Margarete

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Q ?
Virginum sponso iubilemus
iesu christo hodie
suo quo sacro margaretam
sociavit thalamo
2nd Vespers (gospel) special antiphon
Ave virgo christi sponsa
ave deo preelecta
sanctissima margareta
perfer nostra clemens vota
intra thalami secreta
quo cum sponso gaudes leta
Matins I
Mentes prone votis lete
in agone margarete
modulantes iubilent