full office name: GUILLELMUS of Poitou (n3)
edition: AH 28 app.
calendar:February 10
structure summary: Q: AA
poetic forms: Q: ge [”]
type of saint: protector of the church
geographical information:.Aquitaine, France
Persons: Guillelme
Places: Babylone

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Here you find the raw text from the LMLO file

Q antiphon 1
O guillelme celi civis et noster patrone
in sion reduceris
spreta babylone
qui pro solitudinis
luctu et merore
coronatus gloria
gaudes et honore
da nobis auxilium
ut sic gradiamur
mundi per exilium
ut deo fruamur
Q antiphon 2
O guillelme pater
nos ad nova gaudia transfer
tu celos aperi
ne pereant miseri
tu spreto mundo
transisti corde iucundo
ad regnum vite
dans exemplum bone vite