full office name: DUNSTANUS (n1)
edition: AH 28 app.
calendar:May 19
structure summary: Q: AA
poetic forms: Q: io
type of saint: archbishop
geographical information:Canterbury, England
Persons: Dunstane

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Here you find the raw text from the LMLO file

Q antiphon
Euge nunc dunstane pie
ex hominibus assumpte
archangelis dei coniuncte
nostri pater memorare
et pro nobis preces funde
ut in evum te laudare
possimus deum perenniter
Q antiphon
Ave gemma confessorum
ave dux et doctor morum
salve sanctitatis rosa
mundi lampas luminosa
gaude pater pietatis
summe sidus honestatis
vale vernans flos dunstane
et pro nobis preces funde