full office name: DUCHATUS (n1)
edition: AH 28 app.
calendar:March 08
structure summary: Q: RAA
poetic forms: Q: {il}gg [q]
type of saint: bishop confessor
geographical information:Scotland, N.Ireland
Persons: Duchate Duchatum Duchato

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Here you find the raw text from the LMLO file

Q respons
O sancte duchate
confessor mitissime
deprecamur te
serve christi devotissime
ut plebs tua tuis precibus
suscipiatur in celestibus
Q verse
Qui letaris in milicie
celi contubernio
Q antiphon 1
Omnes a periculo
fideles salvantur
qui devotis precibus
duchatum precantur
Q antiphon 2
Deum benedicite
cuncte creature
qui duchato contulit
celum sui iure